Los muchachos de DICE, tan de moda ahora con Mirror’s Edge, han publicado un pack con cuatro nuevos mapas para el modo multijugador del entretenido Battlefield: Bad Company. Dos de los nuevos mapas han sido elegidos a través de una democrática votación entre los propios usuarios, que eligieron los escenarios para un jugador Acta non Verba y Par for the Course, mientras que los otros dos, Ghost Town y Crossing Over, son escenarios nuevos que han metido los programadores simplemente porque les ha apetecido y porque para eso es su Scattergories. El pack de mapas puede descargarse de forma gratuita desde PlayStation Network y el bazar de Xbox 360. Además de los mapas, los usuarios de PlayStation 3 recibirán soporte para trofeos y un buen puñado de arreglillos menores para el juego que os pego tras el salto (por cortesía de Destructoid). Change log: – Ticket count has been increased for all Conquest maps to make for longer rounds.
– Find custom match on Conquest was updated to match specified maps better.
– Knife melee no longer instantly kills friendlys and will take two swipes.
– Bullets and knives now go through undergrowth and tree leaves.
– Shotgun damage in distance has been reduced, but is still just as powerful in closer range.
– Savior Trophy requirements has been tweaked. It will be awarded when you kill an enemy that attacks a teammate and damaged them by 20% or more.
– Drawing weapon time after sprinting is reduced to SP times to improve pace of action.
– AA guns have less deviation and more damage to improve balance vs Gunships.
– Fixed VO to allow English on all teams.
– Miscellaneous server improvements. Gunships – Hand weapon damage has been lowered against Gunships, but .50 Cal weapons on Vehicles retain their damage against the Gunships.
– Missile speeds for the pilot has been increased.
– Gunner Machine Guns time to overheat increased with splash damage has been reduced.
– Gunships wont explode when touching one tree and will now take damage based on the speed of the Gunship. This means that if you are flying very slowly you can knock over trees and take zero damage, but if you’re at top speed 4-5 trees will destroy your Gunship.
– Gunship pilots when close to or on the ground will count as a kill for Recon Kits using the Laser Designator.
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