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VGGEN que el contenido descargable, y sobre todo «pagable», saldrá el próximo día 20 de noviembre al bastante razonable precio de 7,99 euros, y consistirá básicamente en tres nuevas Challenge Rooms o «salas de desafío» que paso servilmente a traduciros:
- A Shocking Turn of Events: Una Little Sister ha quedado atrapada en lo alto de una noria, en alguna zona desconocida de Rapture. Usando únicamente las herramientas y el entorno que les rodea, los jugadores deberán ingeniárselas para generar electricidad que active la noria y baje a la Little Sister sana y salva.
- The I in Team: Utilizando recursos limitados y un arsenal aún más limitado, el jugador deberá sortear diversas trampas y encontrar la forma de derrotar a un Big Daddy usando la inteligencia en lugar de la potencia de fuego.
- Worlds of Hurt: Prepárate para vivir el reto más agotador ofrecido en el mundo de Rapture. Los jugadores deberán luchar en ocho habitaciones repletas de Big Daddies, Splicers y todo lo peor que Rapture es capaz de ofrecer. Acumula Adam, constrúyete un arsenal de plásmidos, tónicos y armamento, y lucha para rescatar a una Little Sister.
Algunos detalles más en la nota de prensa (en inglés) tras el salto.
New York, NY November 3, 2008 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), announced today that the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system exclusive Add-On Game Content for BioShock® will be available for download worldwide on November 20 from the PlayStation®Network. Consisting of three unique Challenge Rooms that take place outside of the main storyline, the BioShock Add-On Game Content will be available for $9.99 in North America. BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3 system was recently released to critical acclaim from critics across the industry, earning perfect scores from PlayStation: The Official Magazine and GamePro Magazine, as well as the Editors Choice Award from IGN.com.
Each of the three Challenge Room environments was designed specifically for the PLAYSTATION 3 system release and feature new locations, objectives and artwork not seen anywhere else in the game. Additionally, each of the new Challenge Rooms offers new Trophies that can be earned through smart thinking and resourceful playing.
The included rooms are:
A Shocking Turn of Events A Little Sister is trapped atop a Ferris wheel in an undisclosed location in Rapture. Using only the tools and environment around them, players must use their wits to create electricity to power the Ferris wheel and bring the Little Sister to safety.
The I in Team Using limited resources, and an even more limited arsenal, players must negotiate traps and find a way to defeat a Big Daddy using their wits instead of raw firepower.
Worlds of Hurt Step up and take on the most grueling challenge offered in the world of Rapture. Players must battle through eight rooms of Big Daddies, Splicers and the worst that Rapture has to offer. Accumulate Adam, build an arsenal of Plasmids, Tonics and Weaponry, and fight through to rescue the Little Sister.
Developed by 2K Boston, 2K Australia, 2K Marin and Digital Extremes, BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3 system contains all-new content that augments and extends the experience in exciting ways. BioShock for PLAYSTATION 3 system contains new features such as the inclusion of the Survivor difficulty mode, Trophy support and the addition of all-new Add-On Game Content that will be available for download on November 20. A free demo that allows gamers to play through the first portion of BioShock is currently available for download from the PlayStation Network.
BioShock is a narrative-driven action experience that allows players to do the impossible as they journey through an amazing, immersive and terrifying world. Caught between powerful forces and hunted down by genetically mutated citizens, the player will come to grips with the mysterious and fascinating world of Rapture, a distinct Art Deco underwater utopia gone mad. BioShock not only challenges players capacity to adapt and survive, but brings to question their values and relationships with the inhabitants of Rapture. With smart and adaptive AI, no encounter ever plays out the same way twice, while numerous customization options provide gamers with an experience that adapts to their playing style.
BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3 system is available now worldwide and is rated M for Mature by the ESRB. Available now on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Games for Windows®, BioShock was the recipient of more than 50 Game of the Year awards from prestigious outlets such as the Associated Press and Game Informer Magazine.
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Al final solo es un pack descargable? pues ya podría ver venido con el juego en si :S
y alguna idea sobre la duracioN?
El último desafío pinta bastante mortal O_o
Depende de las horas de juego que den estos modos de juego pero a priori parece un timaco como una catedral.