Tráiler de Jammer

Kevin Albers, desarrollador independiente de Austin, Texas, nos anuncia vía nota de prensa el lanzamiento de Jammer, su pequeña y aparentemente aportación a los Community Games de Xbox Live. Jammer es un juego musical basado en el ritmo en el que «las acciones del jugador afectan a los arreglos musicales», siguiendo un sistema de pistas de audio que por lo que se ve en el tráiler parece bastante curioso.
El aspecto es un poco cutrón, como el de todos los Community Games —creo que hay una norma no escrita que prohíbe tener más de cierto buen gusto, si te pasas te banean el juego—, pero parece interesante. «Jammer es el primer paso en la creación de una serie de juegos rítmicos y experiencias musicales interactivas que ponen la toma de decisiones en la creación musical en manos de los jugadores. El núcleo del motor de audio mezcla la música en tiempo real desde múltiples elementos musicales, abriendo muchos tipos de interacción que no se suelen encontrar en los juegos rítmicos», dice Albers en la nota. Tras el salto, la nota de prensa completa. Podéis echar un ojo a la web de Kevin Albers haciendo clic aquí.

Rhythm game ‘Jammer’ released on Xbox Community Games

Austin, Texas. Monday 11th May – Developer Kevin Albers announces the release of his new rhythm game ‘Jammer’ for the Xbox Live Community Games marketplace. Jammer is a rhythm game in which player’s actions affect musical arrangements. It features ten original music tracks, and is playable with standard gamepads and guitar controllers. “Jammer is the first step in creating a series of rhythm games and interactive musical experiences that put musical decision-making into the hands of game players. The core audio engine mixes music in real-time from multiple musical elements, opening up many types of interaction not usually found in rhythm games. I remember when I first encountered rhythm games years ago, and was simultaneously impressed with the experience yet disappointed by the lack of player input into the music itself. I told myself that if I could, one day I’d make something similar that gave players at least some control over the music itself, as opposed to simply tapping along to something set in stone” – Kevin Albers Jammer trailer on youTube – Jammer on the community games marketplace – Jammer webpage on Kevin Albers’ site, including screenshots and box art – About Kevin Albers Kevin Albers is an independent game developer/artist/musician. After many years in the mainstream game industry, he is now producing games and games-related software for Xbox Community Games, with a focus on music-related gameplay and visuals. Kevin’s goal with is to create fun musical/game experiences that bring player musical decision making and improvisation to the music game genre. For more information visit

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